Självförsvarsspray och överfallsspray för din säkerhet - TacNGear

Collection: Self-defence and assault sprays for your safety

Self-defense spray and assault spray can be life-saving for a person being attacked. The defense spray acts as a distraction, giving the attacked person an opportunity to get away from the dangerous situation.

The defense sprays we offer come from Sabre, which is the same manufacturer that makes police pepper spray. Pepper spray is considered a weapon and is illegal. Defense spray, on the other hand, does not contain capsaicin and is not considered a weapon like pepper spray.

Defense spray / assault spray contains a strong dye that is difficult to remove and gives the surprising effect you are looking for. We also have a defense spray with Menthol which is very strong to inhale and get in the eyes.

Buy defense spray today and get free shipping when you shop for > 500 SEK.

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