Världens bästa äppelpaj!

The world's best apple pie!

Here is a recipe for the best apple pie you can do. Through the years, we have tried both one and the second recipe and eventually we have presented the best recipe for apple pie! Coldish and wonderful good!

This recipe for apple pie is not so excessively sweet as many other recipes. A little coarser ingredients give a much better feeling, we think!

Test the recipe as soon as you can!

6 apples
150 g of butter
3 dl fiber corn
1 dl powdered sugar
1/2 dl light syrup
1 1/2 DL Graham flour
1/2 tsp baking powder.
2 tablespoons of milk.


Put the oven at 175 ° C.

Melted the butter and remove from the heat.

Peel, core and divide the apples.

Mix all other ingredients and pour into the melted butter.

Add apple bits into a greased oven-safe shape and wide on the batter.

Set into the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the pie received fine golden brown color and the apples are soft.

Serve with custard or vanilla ice cream.

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