Guide to find the best sleeping bag
The right sleeping bag is crucial no matter if you are going to embark on a demanding expedition to the North Pole or camping in your garden. Having the best sleeping bag for this purpose is a prerequisite for a successful adventure and a successful night. But knowing what characterizes a good sleeping bag and what differentiates different sleeping bags apart is not always easy. Therefore we have created a little guide to what's important to consider when choosing a sleeping bag.
What will you use your sleeping bag for?
The first thing to consider when buying a sleeping bag is what you should have it, you like hiking or interrailing, you should have your sleeping bag indoors or outdoors? What you also need to consider when buying a sleeping bag sleeping bag weight, pack size and its heat.
Weight, pack volume and size of your sleeping bag
Depending on what you use your sleeping bag for the packaging volume and weight is something you need to consider. Are you going on a hike or trip, you may want to have a sleeping bag that is lightweight and has a small pack size. If you want other hand out and go camping or to use the bag at soccer camp, maybe this is not as important. Some manufacturers offer sleeping bags in various sizes (sleeping lengths). Lie length in a sleeping bag is normally 20-30 cm shorter than the total length of the sleeping bag. The size of the sleeping bag is important for your sleeping comfort. You should be able to move your arms and shoulders inside the bag. Nowadays, there are also good sleeping bags for children. It is easier for children to warm up a small sack, while kids sleeping bags take up less space in your pack.
Sleeping bag temperature limits
Most sleeping bags on the market are tested and graded according to a new standard (EN13537). It has taken into account the temperature sensitivity between women and men.
Other factors that affect your sleeping comfort, for example, what you sleep in the type of clothes, how much you eat before you go to bed, or what kind of mattress you have.
The different temperatures are divided as follows:
Equivalent to the lower temperature of a normal woman can sleep in, without freezing.
Equivalent to the lower temperature a normal one can sleep in, without freezing.
Corresponds to the lower temperature limit where a normal woman risking their health.
If you wear them to sleep in a sleeping bag?
Try to sleep in as little clothing as possible. Body heat will warm the sleeping bag. (Compare with hot water preheat the thermos, before pouring in your coffee ...)
You should not wear more than lingerie or underwear. If you are frozen, you can put on a warm hat and warm socks in the sleeping bag. To give your sleeping bag better heat, you can buy a cover for the bag. You can not specify an exact number how much cover improves temperature, but you can expect about 5 degrees more extreme value.
Sleeping bag filling: Synthetic or down?
Most sleeping bags have been filling of synthetic fibers, which today has almost as good insulation properties as down. Dun is still the best insulation properties relative to its weight, but is slightly more expensive. Syntetsovsäcken is significantly more resistant to moisture and able to be washed more often than a down sleeping bag.
How should you handle your sleeping bag
When you use your sleeping bag, your body will release moisture. Whether it's cold or hot. Before you pack up your sleeping bag, you should sniff of it for a while. This will eliminate some of the moisture and the sleeping bag is ready to be used again. This is especially important if you have a down sleeping bag. The down is sensitive to moisture and can become moldy if it does not dry properly. To increase longevity, warmth and comfort of your sleeping bag, you can buy a sleeping bag sheet. This protects against dirt and moisture.
A pure sleeping bag, warm more than dirty. However, you may not wash your sleeping bag as frequently anyway. A sleeping bag with synthetic padding is easier to wash than a down sleeping bag. Follow the washing instructions contained in the bag.
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Store your sleeping bag dark and dry. A Dunsovsäck feels the best of lying in a large fabric bag, or hang on the hanger. The synthetic leave should be stored airy, but it also works to store it in its packaging bag.
Right sleeping substrate important for best sleep
No matter how good sleeping bags you have, a good sleeping basis is crucial for your sleeping comfort. There are two different types of sleeping. Cell plastic and inflatable. The inflatable is more comfortable to sleep on, but is often somewhat heavier, than those made in cellular plastic. Click here to get to our sleeping substrates.
See all our sleeping bags here.