Peak Design
Peak Design Capture V3
Peak Design Capture V3
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Peak Design
Capture V3 TheCapture version 3 from Peak Design is a camera clip for attaching your camera to your belt, backpack or around any other type of strap or belt.
Perfect for when you're hiking, backpacking or backpacking where you want to keep your camera close at hand but preferably want to avoid carrying your camera on your camera strap as it hangs around and drags.
TheCapture from Peak Design consists of two main components
. Base plate. The base plate is Arca Swiss compatible.
2. Capture attachment point that you attach around a strap or similar. Although the supplied base plate is of the Arca Swiss type, others than the supplied one will not fit the Capture. This is because there are special grooves that allow it to be inserted into the Capture.
When the camera is attached to the Capture, it stays attached until the quick release button is pressed to release the base plate.
The Capture is designed to withstand at least 90 kg! So even really big and heavy cameras with the largest lens can be attached without any problems.
Compared to previous versions of Capture, Version 3 is much smaller, much lighter and made entirely of metal. In addition, the whole design has otherwise been made sleeker and more stylish.
The Capture Clip fits all straps up to 6.4 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick with the included thumbscrews. If you use the included hex head screws, you can attach the Capture to a strap up to 2.2 cm thick.
Capture Clip
Dimensions: 8.3 x 4.0 x 2.0 cmWeight
: 70 g
Arca Swiss Baseplate
Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.8 x 0.7 cmWeight
: 14 g
Total weight, Capture + Baseplate:
84 g
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Fantastisk produkt för vad den gör, men aj vad dyr den är för vad man får. Det smärtar i plånboken. Men det är också förståeligt på ett sätt med tanke på hur nischat det är.
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